A story about a couch
My husband and I got a new couch delivered last week!! Read on to find our why this is important enough to dedicate an entire post to.

What to do when it feels like you're drowning
Water leak the month of our wedding? Yep. Here’s what we learned from that experience.

Netflix, Hulu and Disney+, oh my!
Do you know how many subscription services you are currently paying for?

Roses are red, violets are blue, I love budgeting, how about you??
Just because a holiday is coming up, doesn’t mean you have to spend money to show you care.

3 budgeting mistakes you might be making
Here are the top mistakes I see people making when it comes to their budget.

Up A Creek Without A Paddle
If you don’t find some room in your budget to save for emergencies, you might be up a creek without a paddle, when an emergency does come up.