When Everything You Want Costs Money: Embracing the Energetic Flow of Money
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Money as a Bridge, Not a Barrier: Seeing Money as a Tool for Growth
I was on a call earlier this week for a guided journaling session (shoutout to Ruth Poundwhite and her Soulful Growth Club*!) and this was the prompt:
If I knew everything were possible, here’s what I’d choose for myself.
Here are a few of the things I wrote down:
Take the trips without worrying if there’s enough in the budget for it.
Work whenever I want to.
Do the things I want that cost money - replace the front door, update the bathroom.
Hire a VA to help me with the things I don’t enjoy.
After I wrote this list, I wrote down this observation:
I feel like everything I am thinking about and listing out is related to things that cost money (and I’m specifically noticing this fact that they all cost money) - traveling, house projects, hiring a VA, etc. Not really sure what that means, just a curious observation since I work with clients on their own money blocks.
Interestingly enough, this is actually a fairly similar exercise as one I take my clients through. And a lot of times the underlying question to all of the things my clients write down is: "Where is the money going to come from?"
But in true coaching fashion, I decided to dig a little deeper. What else could this mean? How can I reframe this into something more positive?
Here are a few of the things I came up with. I encourage you to try them on for size the next time you are feeling a little discouraged and not sure where the money is going to come from next.
Money is a connection to expansion - The things you want, even if they cost money, are pointing you toward what you value most. Travel might represent freedom and inspiration, home projects might symbolize comfort and self-expression, and hiring a VA could signal your readiness to step into a more supported, abundant version of your business.
Rather than seeing the cost as a barrier, what if you viewed these desires as your motivation to create a more fulfilling life?Money is a neutral tool - It’s easy to feel weighed down when everything you want seems tied to a price tag. But money itself is neutral — it’s simply a resource that facilitates exchanges. The fact that your desires involve money doesn’t diminish their worth; it just highlights the energetic exchange needed to bring them to life.
Instead of thinking, "This costs money," you might try, "This is an investment in my vision." How does that shift feel?Scarcity vs. abundance mindset - Sometimes, noticing that everything you want costs money can trigger feelings of scarcity or overwhelm. (This is a personal one for me, I've done a lot of work on my own scarcity mindset.) But it could also be an invitation to expand your capacity to receive. What if this awareness is your opportunity to deepen your own abundance mindset?
Try journaling on the idea that money is always flowing to and through you. Could spending on these desires create ripple effects of even more abundance?Permission to dream bigger - It’s possible that this awareness is surfacing because you’re ready for more — more freedom, ease, and joy. Sometimes, when we’re used to helping others or putting our family first, it can be easy to unconsciously cap our own dreams. But what if this wave of desires is simply your inner self giving you permission to dream bigger?
It’s also worth noting that just because something costs money doesn’t mean it’s “too much” or “out of reach.”
Sometimes, we subconsciously hold back from wanting things if they seem tied to financial pressure.
Instead of questioning why everything costs money, what if you gave yourself full permission to desire these things without judgment?
Let the vision take shape first—then, the “how” can follow.
Need a little help defining your vision? Check out my free workbook to guide you through getting started:
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