What is money coaching?

Money coaching is an up-and-coming field that goes deeper than the traditional numbers-focused financial plan or budget.

Let’s face it – we are all humans. And humans have a vast array of emotions. Memories of a song or a specific scent can trigger an emotion.

Am I the only one that gets instantly transported back to middle school when I hear the scent ‘cucumber melon’ mentioned? (No? Just me?)

Maybe it’s the scent that reminds you of your grandparents’ house (I loooveee that smell!), or a song that reminds you of your ex…maybe not such a great memory! (I have several of those!)


Our memories and experiences shape who we are today — the person we have become.


Our memories and experiences shape who we are today — the person we have become. And while a lot of these beliefs and experiences are conscious, a lot of them are subconscious.

This is especially true when it comes to money. Money has always been around you, even before you were aware of it. Ever since you were born, your money history has been unfolding.

Maybe you’ve always had to save money you received for birthdays. Maybe your mom always told you your family would be homeless if the rent didn’t get paid. Or maybe you felt relieved when your parents helped you out with an apartment deposit so you could leave an unhealthy relationship.

These are all true stories that have come from clients. But the point is, money can carry a huge weight, and it might not even be your fault. You may not even realize these weights are there.




These are just some of the emotions that can be triggered by money.

Money coaching is a process of digging deep into these memories, beliefs and habits. By shedding light on them, we can take a good look to determine if they are still serving us. And if not, we work to let them go! It’s possible these emotions are what is blocking the flow of abundance into your life.

Let me stop right here and say – because I know you’re thinking it – come on Lindsey! Abundance? Flow? Subconscious memories?? What are you talking about!

Don’t worry, I used to feel the same way! It all seemed pretty froo froo – like I should be burning incense and dancing around a fire, right?

Well, not to worry! No fire dancing required! Unless you want to, of course. And I’m always up for a nice campfire and a s’more!

S’more anyone??

S’more anyone??


But this is money coaching – diving deep into your conscious and subconscious beliefs, attitudes and mindsets (what I like to call BAM!) related to money and working to make them all positive, serving attributes.

Yes, it might be uncomfortable. Yes, finances are personal (a huge stigma I am trying to change but that will be another blog!) You might even call it getting financially naked!

But it can also be enlightening. And it’s that light that will help guide you towards your best life.

In case no one has ever told you: you deserve the best in this life! We only get one life to live, so why not make the absolute best of it? Money doesn’t have to be a constant burden. Money coaching is a process that can help you release these weights so you can fly!


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