Turning a dumpster fire upside-down
What to do when the world feels like it is falling apart.
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Photo credit: Stephen Radford (@steve228uk) on Unsplash
Does anyone else feel like the world is a bit of a dumpster fire at the moment?
To me, that feels like an understatement.
Everywhere you turn there is talk of inflation, a recession, the war in Ukraine, mass shootings or loved ones passing away too young.
It's important to take time for yourself right now.
Focus on things you can control.
(wait for it)
Like your budget.
But also, your mindset.
My husband and I are in the middle of a 90 day gratitude challenge. We were finding ourselves focusing too much on all the negativity so I wanted to turn that around. Let's focus on the good instead.
I challenge you to take some time to write out something you are grateful for each day. Our challenge includes 5 items each day, but do whatever feels right for you right now.
These don't have to be huge, monumental things. In fact, if you start looking for smaller things to be grateful for, you may find you notice them around you more and more every day.
✨ I am grateful for a good cup of coffee each morning.
✨ I am grateful for working air conditioning in my house (it's been sooo hot and humid here lately!)
✨ I am grateful for another day with my husband.
✨ I am grateful for schnuggles with my kitties.
✨ I am grateful for all the clients we are able to help in our businesses.
Take a few moments today and find a few things to be grateful for.
Even the fact that you are alive to live another day is something we tend to take for granted.
Feel free to share with me on social media (@theexuberantelephant).
Because we are all in this together and need each other to lean on for support during these times.
Feeling the need for support when it comes to your money?
Let’s chat.
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