Using YNAB to budget for holiday expenses

Joy and peace, in budget form

brown paper wrapped presents

Does anyone else love wrapping presents??

In case you’re new around here, I have a budgeting software that I love. It’s called YNAB. Or, You Need A Budget.

If you are familiar with YNAB, you probably know how awesome it is. (Yes, I’m biased. Honestly wish I would have thought it up!)

But have you ever thought about using it to help get more clarity around just how much you are spending on a particular person (Aunt May or Uncle Ben, let’s say) or holiday activity (going to see Spider-Man: No Way Home with the whole fam)?

Check out how you can set up a Turbo Christmas Category Group over on the YNAB blog!

And if you haven’t quite gotten the hang of YNAB yet and need a little help, I can help! 

Let’s chat and get your YNAB budget set up!

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