May the budgeting forces be with you!
Financial lessons from Star Wars
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Photo credit: Daniel K Cheung on Unsplash
Happy May 4th! May the budgeting forces be with you today and every day!
Whether or not you are a Star Wars fan (I’ve seen most of the movies but wouldn’t call myself a fanatic by any means), there are financial lessons we can take away from those wise Jedis.
Sometimes you need a few Jedi mind tricks to keep yourself focused on the prize - that is, your best financial life. It can be hard when you see a million ads a day and everyone is vying for a piece of your money. But having a plan, changing course when Darth Vader appears, and pulling out a little Jedi magic to defeat the enemy is all worth it in the long run.
In the Empire Strikes Back, Yoda tells Luke Skywalker “You must unlearn what you have learned.” This can be a critical piece of your financial success. Are the money stories you learned as a child true or do you need to relearn some things to get you on the path to success? Digging into your money history can help clear the path forward.
Get yourself a guide. It’s ok to ask for help! What would Luke Skywalker have been without Yoda? Everyone needs a Yoda in one part of their life or another. If you need one in the financial space, it’s ok to seek out someone for accountability and guidance.
What other financial lessons have you taken away from a book or movie? Share them with me!
Ready to become a Jedi Master of your financial life?
Let’s chat!
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About the author
Lindsey Ciarrocca is a Financial Planner, YNAB Certified Budgeting Coach and Certified Money Coach and has been helping people take control of their finances since 2016.
Many people carry a lot of emotions related to money — shame, guilt, fear, anxiety — which can hinder them from living their best life. Lindsey is passionate about helping her clients create a more positive relationship with their money so they can use it as a tool to build their businesses, live their Greatest Life and create positive change in the world.
She is a self-described budgeting nerd and crazy cat lady and loves helping people learn to use their money as a tool to help them achieve their biggest, wildest dreams — rather than be an obstacle.
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