How big is your container for receiving?

Is your money mindset holding you back?

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stack of boxes

Close your eyes for a moment and picture yourself receiving a large sum of money in cash.


  • What is the amount of money?

  • Where did it come from?

  • When you imagine physically putting the cash somewhere, where does it go?

  • How big is the container?

  • What color is it?

  • Does it have a lid?

  • Or perhaps a lock?

  • Is it easy or hard to open?

  • Where do you keep the container?

  • Is it even a container at all?

  • Perhaps it’s a place or a building.


Take a minute to think about the container you just described.


Now look at it again with a bit of a discerning eye.


  • Is your container open and ready to receive or is it closed off or limiting in some way?

  • Is it a small shoebox you keep under your bed or a cavern you can’t see the end of?

  • Do you hold your container close to you in a vice grip?

  • Or does your container have a lock equivalent to Fort Knox so that nothing can get in…even if that thing is more money?


When you picture yourself receiving, money or any other form of abundance, are you truly allowing yourself to receive? Do you feel you are worthy to receive?


The next time you have something good coming your way, take notice of how you are allowing yourself to receive it. Even something a simple as a compliment on your outfit, are you accepting and welcoming or do you brush it off with a shrug and say, ‘this old thing?’


How can you expand your container?


Perhaps you imagined floating in a pool, arms outstretched…but it is an indoor pool with a roof and doors shut tight. Can you instead picture those doors standing open and the roof dissolving to reveal the sky?


Or maybe your vision was a chest at the end of your bed, with a heavy wooden lid. What if that lid was easy to open and the money just poured in and overflowed all over the floor?


Check in with the things you tell yourself. Are you allowing yourself to receive your full potential?


It is safe for you to receive.

It is safe for you to have abundance in your life.

It is safe for you to prosper.


Infinity pool


Looking for more guidance on your money mindset?
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